Specializing in...
I'm a program manager with business and design operations expertise. I work with teams in product development or service design organizations. My work ranges from structuring people, processes and projects, to leading change or organizational
transformation. A natural problem solver, I'm comfortable in ambiguity and take an entrepreneurial and proactive approach
to get things done.

I draw on 14+ years in the digital industry in London and the San Francisco bay area to help teams grow, operate at scale or achieve strategic initiatives. I have an executive management certificate from Yale and bring business acumen to what I do. With hands-on and honed experience design skills, plus a stint in software engineering, I'm comfortable leading the design thinking process, understanding technical requirements and working within constraints. I've worked for a range of organizations in the commercial and charitable sectors, including Sephora (North America), Intuit, Sky and Barnardo's.

I'm currently based in London and travel regularly to California.
I'm always open to hearing about new projects or opportunities.